Trian Tay

Friday, February 13, 2009


Grits and Sweat III, A Series of Baroque Philosophical Documents Based Upon Objective Observations

So, in all the madness, even with all the madness within the anticivilization dominating Earth, it does not come Coachman Haulers Toy to money subjectively, but it does come down to value in every valid way, no matter how invalid the government, religion and all the establishment bull pucky genuinely is. When I became fully honest before and within this anticivilization in a consciously full sense, I genuinely realized this in every genuine way. It's a funny thing, but it could Car Hire Gatwick Airport one of those what came first? The chicken or The egg type questions, but it's not. The chicken is always born from the egg with no exception, thus the egg came first like a cell is evolved and then it divides into more as proven in any proper laboratory...? Sure, most definitely and yes. Just like you have to start cooking the grits first before you sweat over em' as you're cookin' em'. Yes, "lesser" did come before "greater" as the egg genuinely came before the chicken, that's how evolution works, growth. Long-term growth and genuine infinities are the secret to everything in life and existence. It's gritty, it's work and it's like playing music, you always start with the first note and work your way to the bridge and beyond the bridge to the last note, even with the original version of "Sex Machine" by James Brown, you get past the bridge and 'shake your moneymaker', he put that line in for a good reason. A very good reason. Reason is the grandest weapon in existence when you know how to use it, I know that it is genuinely real, honest and true for me in life, especially with my existence viewpoint and epistemology.

So, we get to my political philosophy, (which most people do not have explicitly by the way...) I belong to the American Independent/Constitution Party that upholds objective laws and honesty, and I am an Lassiez Faire` Objectivist/Ultimate Capitalist in the most conscious of ways and senses. And I am pro life with one compromise, destructive criminals and value destroyers shouldn't be born or at least retrained to be productive at a very deep level if they are going to be born. But all productive, honest, reasonable, realistic people should have a chance to honestly exist at any level and in all good and great ways. Yes, I do believe in a genuine winners-only society, sure. Where the best are genuinely rewarded and the worst are genuinely penalized and reason rules the roost in the most genuine sense. Another reason why I support Alan Keyes instead of Barack Better Chip Fish Recipe for President. I always tell my Mother and friends, that it's always the honest politicians that mean well that never get in ever, in any way unless it's a lucky and feckless Jimmy Carter type that "they", the establishment can go, "see, honesty doesn't work in any way, shape or form, back to business as usual..." and the Average Movie Ticket Price goes on and on. I don't care what people think, I don't care if I am ridiculous, I only care what is real to me and honest, I only care what I genuinely love in life and existence. I love the heroic, I love the happy. I love the best. So, I am nothing to this goofy losers' "civilization", so what. I am the best to myself and those I love, that is all that matters to me. So, reaching this point in the Grits And Sweat Document, I know I have made myself perfectly clear on my politics.

Now to my Indianapolis Church Food Pantry religion, since you want to know that: Like G.I. Gurdjieff was a lifelong Russian Orthodox Christian and died one, I am a Self-Realization Fellowship Devotee in the Satsanga Yogoda Society just like my Dad became in 1970, I was born one in 1975, and I'm going to die one, that's it, I took the secret lessons with my Dad where we wore the gray robes and orange robes and all of that (the boys wore gray robes, and the Dads'/Fathers' with them wore orange robes), and we learned the ins' and outs' of it all beyond what most people learn in those mail-order lessons, I read those by the way, we did learn more. And who taught those lessons, every last one with the senior monks standing guard at the door? Brother Terry Ananda. Hell, Dennis Weaver (the actor and lay minister there at SRF) even visited a few times and donated money to keep our classes going at full steam. So, for those of you who claim I'm "officially" a Godless-freak, look again. Also, in 2004, I was initiated by Roy Eugene Davis into the same thing, so I have double indemnity and all of that. So, yes, I do genuinely believe in God, just not some bull pucky Santa-Claus-in-the-sky like most people believe in, but God as objectively honest and impartial existence through evolution in a genuinely reasonable way. And yes, I still practice meditation, chanting and prayer and all of that, only consciously outside of the sleep state most people practice all of that in.

So what else is new in this anticivilization, almost everyone is genuinely asleep and using a tenth of their brains for the past three-thousand plus years. And the ruling elites are dishonest enough to like it that way only being half-awake and evil themselves. So, now to ask a rhetorically silly question; but what do I mean by being half awake and evil? Well I mean being like lazy queen bees living off of the worker bees efforts like a sickly slug in the hive. They don't enjoy the fruits of the labor, but take them all the same.

Sure, I can say what would be "approved" and "special", but what good would that do. I can say that politics, religion and sports are more than a silly pageant to pacify people, but... Listen, the other day I was on the bus reading a tract from a Baptist Church in Oxnard, CA or somewhere, it was on one of those big, long rapid buses with two parts connected by a turning point. Anyhow, that tract identified three of the traps, but forewent the biggest one as somehow "a good thing", guilt, and a sixth one rarely admitted even by the best of em'... Envy. Yes, there are four main traps in this anticivilization before you beat the game genuinely, and two sneaky traps you must beat to really get somewhere, envy and guilt. And boy those two sneak up on your ass when you think you've beat the first four. Come to think of it, Jesus had to beat all six traps and more - I'm not saying this from an experience standpoint, I am saying this from the standpoint of genuine common sense in existence, and not just "this life". I mean, this is what Masters have to beat to get where they want to go. I beat the other four or five traps through productivity, but the sixth trap was fully-integrated honesty's territory to beat, it was envy. Envy is the purest part of normal human nature which is why normal human nature has to be risen above. Or as a friend of mine named Richard S. has said in a simple Zen riddle and parable to me, "Wisdom Erases Karma" or the literal meaning of that statement, genuine wisdom erases the destructiveness of cause and effect, not the constructiveness, but the destructiveness.

So, anyhow, envy is the most destructive and stultifying Film Noir Music of all when it comes down to it. For lumped in there with envy is jealousy, a corollary, people want others to envy them, as my Mother has noticed with some people she has lived with in the different places she's moved to. I am not naming names, I'm just naming a condition, a genuinely ridiculous condition.
So, what is important in life? The concept of "create your own", whether it is life, happiness or whatever: B.Y.O.B., build your own blessing. Don't wait for anyone or anything to do it outside of yourself. Your life is your best. That's it.

So, when I became integratedly honest, that was the final level, B.Y.O.B and B.Y.O.B., build your own blessing, be your own blessing, etc.. With the key word that genuinely individualistic word "own". The essence of my thinking is individualistc and logical, but genuinely creative in rational ways. Thus, the whole B.Y.O.B. Self-honesty is honored fully in this document. I remember when I was a kid, I was at Rainbow Bridge Center, and we got this stationery with slogans we wanted on it for our desks for a small fee, I put on my stationery "M.Y.O.B. and B.Y.O.B. Mind Your Own Business and Build Your Own Blessing", sure it seemed like pretty advanced thinking for a mere boy of ten years old, but in life, I already believed that in the most genuine sense. So, like Leo Nocnetelli was mastering his sound with The Meters', I was quickly mastering my philosophy, and yes I did create Fully-Integrated Honesty and all that. So, I suggest that you do read my other works and download them if you can. It has all my latest thoughts and that book also in downloadable form. But Neo-Tech will always have a special place in my heart, like the "Cissy Strut" does in Nocentelli's heart, as the first thing I came up with. So, in this Grits And Sweat Document that I am now penning, I hope to pull a lot together, and make everything clear, and have you understand fully where I am coming from. Honesty is what comes down to. Honesty, not "perfection" is standard. If perfection was standard, there would be pedagogical infinities, and there aren't any pedagogical infinities, you learn how to do and then you do what you need or want to do. That's it. There is nothing you have to learn to do forever in life, all knowledge has an end. Sure there are endless creative combinations and ways of doing it all, but you never learn basics forever. That is the point that I am making in every genuine way and sense. So, love is the engine of creation and survival beyond that. As John and Paul of the Beatles said, "all you need is love...", sure they summed up, but has the creation of good music really stopped? No. Although judging by some modern pop, some people would debate that, but as soon as the mysticism of pedagogical infinities is let go, all great things will rise again and better than ever, because there will be ever more created from new and individual combinations of the basics. The point of power is now. There is nothing to prophesy, except rationally. There is only Dc Law School to act on. Time does wait for no one, but everyone works with time, when immortal, it's on your side, when mortal it is against you. Reality must be lived by to work for you. There is no real static, perfection is the closest thing to genuine "static" and that is nothing but an idea. Fear is the only perfection and imperfection is active action and risk-taking entrepeneurship, yet that kind of imperfection or "irrational" courage feels better and is better than that kind of "rational" fear. I don't mean recklessness or destructiveness, though, what I mean is the ultimate rationality that comes with the most genuine of advancement wherever it is.

If I am an idiot, "so". For anticivilization/netherworld life is what happens to us when we are making other plans, better plans; Civilization of the Universe plans. Well, not always, but you get my point. When I created fully-integrated honesty, I knew there was something looming that is and was and will always be better than that earth-bound creation, something that genuinely explains it all as a non-pedagogical infinity. Well, from out of the blue came a fact, I'm total fully-integrated honesty and I run the show, Fat Old Pic Sex Woman what originated from me would not have originated from me... Sure, I am the lowest man on the totem pole admittedly, and a big-time non-saint, for being honest about it all, admittedly. But hey, at least I am giving all that I genuinely can. Fully-integrated honesty in this dream world comes down to specialized units, total fully-integrated honesty in the real world comes up to universal consciousness. That thought crossed my mind when I was having lunch with Dr. Champion Kurt Teutsch at a Beverly Hills restaurant and talking to Derrick B. at the Inglewood Library. God is not a concept, so much as a consciousness, an individual consciousness of everyone individually/proactively. So, the Zon concept created, solved and controls itself with the self-regulating mechanism of honesty and totality. Be Your Own Blessing.

So, as I am not playing fool here and laying it all down here all honest, there is nothing else I can do but that, be honest. Isn't that what fully-integrated honesty is all about though. Honest thinking. Honest action upon reality. Even when I became fully-integrated honesty, it was the hardest thing in the world, it could only become easy from there. But the ultimate reality of this is this: Emotion cannot cloud thinking in any way. That is the chief precept of the Great Player even in poker or "silly" games. Reality, fun or not fun must be lived by and the game played properly no matter what or in poker, the good player plays the hand right no matter what, and every hand played properly, won or lost is a win. That's what that means. Now, this: When I became fully-integrated honesty, I became fully-integrated honesty and for the duration no matter what the reality that confronts me, even whatever. I am fully-integrated honesty, and I do mean fully-integrated honesty without a shred of destructiveness or irrationality. (to use Abraham Lincoln's words honestly:) With malice toward Cater Allen Private Bank or more accurately, with initiatory malice toward none. I do believe in rational self-defense. That is a genuinely important distinction to make in every way. Because as anyone can tell by William Jefferson Blaithe "Bill" Clinton's use of semantics in the "That depends on what exactly the exact meaning of 'is' is?" testimony in his sexual harassment trial; distinctions, details, inductive reasoning and precise logic are always important no matter what is said by those who think that it's not. Everyone has to be sure of what they are talking about.

For example, at my volunteer Meals On Wheels job, which I do for genuinely spiritual reasons and all I accept is reimbursement for bus fare to get there, I brushed past a lady named Christine S. who I always say hello to, and said hello about three minutes after I realized what happened and took off my headphones/CD Player walkman as I was in there, now, she interpreted that as coldness on my part initially until I explained what had happened, (this is an example of semantics) I explained everything to her and that I was listening to music and was "in another world" for a few minutes, (classical music of course) and she understood the semantics after I explained the situation to her. But I just wanted to give an understanding of how semantics affects everything as a whole in life and everything from the shallowest to the deepest, no matter what may be said by those "ruling elite" existentialists about it being easy to make blanket statements easily in this modern civilization in actions or otherwise. Indeed, honesty at every level is a pinpoint dynamic that becomes second nature once practiced enough. Fully-integrated honesty must be ingratiated at the highest and lowest levels of a person's being to work in a genuinely fully-integrated way. Which is why I left Earth-bound honesty for total fully-integrated honesty. Plain honesty is only half the story, and fully-integrated honesty is the whole. But it is all fully-integrated honesty. If it wasn't all based on fully-integrated honesty and went only "halfway"like most philosophies and religions then we would be mentionable and "acceptable" in the sight of dishonesty. We do not need that. Being acknowledged by dishonesty is the most destructive thing in existence, even to those that want to be, especially to those that want to be. Politics, religion, philosophy, and all that, when they are overt and irrational as in "they who are guilty of destruction screams the loudest" and the "don't think, just accept..." approach destroys the worst through bigotry, fear, Meridian Software and destruction. My thinking on this subject won't be found to be ridiculous to those that are honest with themselves. When I became fully-integrated honesty, I gained that gift of being unflinchingly honest with myself and everyone else I come into contact with; remember what I said about thinking honestly with myself and all who count to me no matter what. But I'll admit, I lie and cheat only to genuine destructive enemies and all of that kind of thing in as self-defensive way. But I'm always genuinely and unflinchingly honest with friends and people I genuinely love. I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means, I'm just saying that I always strive for the deepest of honesty in my life in every genuine way that I can in every genuine way. So, in life I use semantics honestly to work for genuine good and great in every way. Not perfection, but good and great. That's it. Perfection is a mind-created concept, but reality is what is and cannot be betrayed, reality is cold-blooded honesty and as cold-blooded honesty as you get. That's what it comes down to. Thus, it does not come down to being "a silver-tongued devil" for me in any way, or an "angel", it comes down to being a good-intentioned person in the most genuine, honest and "cold-blooded" sense myself and all whom I contact. This is the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty of being fully-integrated honesty in every way.

So, I am genuinely in it for the haul in every way, that's it. When I became fully-integrated honesty, there were and are no asides or fears, just rationally seeing it through. That's it. When I think of fully-integrated honesty, that's what I most think of, seeing it through. Sure, that sounds like a "cold-blooded" mentality, but as far as this Grits And Sweat document and all of my works and viewpoints are concerned, this is it, no compromise. So, when I created fully-integrated honesty, nothing else seemed to matter, until the reality that the Civilization of the Universe is not here or "now" hit me like a "freight train", it is in that far-flung future 'beyond the pale of human understanding' as H.G. Wells once put it, he also said that 'the man who raises a fist in violence has ran out of ideas'; well both are the reality of the situation, I guess since ideas cannot be ran out of, "pedagogical infinities" are real in that sense. The sense that there is always something, like more music can always be made out of the same twelve to twenty four to thirty six basic musical notes, twelve basic musical notes, twelve sharp notes, and twelve lower in-between octaves. My point is, ideas are endless unless you want them to end, just so we can "all do something stupid." Well, you get the point. As long as there is conscious, subconscious, super conscious or any kind of thought, there will be ideas of all types.

"As ye believe" is the saying in the Bible, well, as long as there are thoughts, there are ideas is what I interpret that to mean in every genuine way. So, the Grits And Sweat document gets interesting here: When I became fully-integrated honesty, that bible verse in Matthew that went "As ye believe, so ye are" stuck out like a sore thumb in my mind, especially when my thinking went to most people's negative, malevolent beliefs about life, the universe and everything in comparison to my own affirmative, benevolent beliefs about life, the universe and everything. So, again, I think of W. Clement Stone, saying at seventy-nine years of age all those years ago about me at a frined's offices, saying with his hand on top of my head, "This boy is right." I was around twelve or thirteen years old at the time, but to have such a man anoint me with positive believing in myself and my existence was a genuine honor, I can tell you that. And I did not reply with the trite, I read your books, and I know about Success Magazine, no, I just smiled. The biggest goddamn smile and "yes" nod you'd ever see. Of course a famous self-help guru, Frank W. and my Dad were there too, it was a beautiful moment. For all of us, we all, I am sure realized different things about ourselves and life, the universe and everything. Benevolence and holy anointing come though honesty we all realized. Everything else is bull pucky, to almost use Fredrick S. "Fritz" Perls clinical term for nonsense. Not a lewd term at all when clinically and honestly describing nonsense. Nope. And no, I never met Fritz Perls except as Seth in the early 1970s during Jane "Rubert the Monk" Roberts "Aspect Psychology" books and "he" was on "his" way out. Oh well, nothing is perfect is it?
Well, anyhow, when I created total fully-integrated honesty and fully-integrated honesty in this incarnation, I didn't forget to turn the lights off as I left the room, so to speak. And when I became total fully-integrated honesty, that was all that was written, done and all.

So, like I said, if The Civilization of the Universe was here, at least one bell and whistle that genuinely counts would do the job. But there are none, this is a irrationally politically and irrationally religiously dominated anticivilization full of forced apathy, mediocrity, fear, denial and ultimate game-playing. That's it, and to top it all of, the netherworld is soon to happen here to-boot. 2012 is not a Seaside Rentals year for nothing folks. President Aquarius in America gets in whether it's another four years of Barack Obama or John McCain at this writing, or four years of someone else, including Hillary Clinton. So, I quote one of the few quotes in this original document, this one is from Alex Haley: "the 'winners' write the histories, and the 'losers' are their victims." I know exactly what that means: The "winners" are the "authorities" and the "losers" are the ruled and duped victims of those "lucky" "authorities" who get the money and the "glory" of the anticivilization, and let me tell you there are always many more "losers" than "winners" in this kind of thing, this type of anticivilization or netherworld or whatever the crap this may be. So, as I write this document, I think of the few "winners" that won the "humanoid sweepstakes" as I call being an elected official or government "authority" and the many "losers" that get shot through the "croupuiers'-chute". What is a "croupier", well it is French for the guy who controls the dice in a dice game, my Dad taught me that one, and you'll find that term used in a really big gambling dice game. The "authorities" are just idiot "winners" who happened to roll "the lucky seven" and "go running with it." And me, I'm the biggest "loser" like Frank W. who rolled snake-eyes or two or three in their crap game a few too many times, and realizes just what is going on with the dice. The weights are in the "winners" favor, and Plato & Pericles loaded em' a long time ago. Well, honesty gets immolated in the ultimate way when the ultimate cheating is involved, doesn't it? Yes. Well, Aristotle, "if we are guilty we will pay", now Bob Marley sings, "I shot the Sheriff". Anyhow, if I am the "bad" guy for revealing and living by the facts, so be it. But even the biggest "authority" named God has to admit in his Bible, that honesty is as honesty does. "Jesus, where are you buddy? run dem' money changers from the Shirley Temple, before she becomes Black." (Speaking of the "innocent" child on John Edgar Hoover's lap named Shirley Temple.) Does it all come down to concrete money and power when all is said and done, you bet yourself it does. Everyone wants it and everyone needs it to genuinely do something. Even if this anticivilization is a fixed showdown gambling dice game, "we all love to win, but who loves to train" for something real? To put Mark Spitz's quote into proper context, and I don't mean Michael Phelps's answer to that question either. Duplicate Mark Spitz and become an American Bruce-Jenner-style useless royalty. While everybody else does the real work to survive. I'm at the bottom of the totem pole holding it up, while guys like that are at the top, non-disabled, handsome, with all la' happy returns, and all he had to do was a few hours of work in a swim-meet in China. While I put a lifetime into developing fully-integrated honesty, and for what?: To be ignored, called crazy, stupid, retarded, weird and full of it and full of nothing but defecation. All I roll is "snakeyes with dem' bones" I guess... While Mike Phelps rolled the lucky seven, eleven and the trifecta. Something is not right. But according to the "authorities", everything's okayyy.... As Steely Dan says in "Rikki Don't Lose That Number". As long as honesty doesn't win a cent of their real money and power. As long as they, the prodducers, sweat to earn. As long as they, the producers, work for what they get with heapings and heapings of guilt; and guys like Michael Phelps and Brad Pitt, and chicks like Athina Onassis, Britney Spears, Angie Jolie and Paris Hilton get told to enjoy their lives on the working stiffs' backs. Have you noticed that the biggest winners in the fully dishonest anticivilization gambling dice game would be the biggest losers in an honest society based on objective merit and real effort being rewarded.

But I lay blame, nor put fault on dishonesty in this sorry vault of reject nothingness. I lay fault on the "unifiers" as Plato and Pericles, as Clinton and Cheney who laugh and emptily grin away honesty like gin house blues to be avoided at all costs by Elmer Gantry. Who needs the Josh Clayton genuinely fun eternal rationally sane civilization. When you can have modern celebrities living "better" than Gaius Caesar/Caligula. So, before I go on friends, Romans, Americans, Chinamen, Countrymen, everyone, lend me your ears.. "Bump-bump-bump-bahhhh!!!!!" the horn goes.
When I became fully-integrated honesty, all of this netherworld crap was rather expected by me, although it wasn't expected at all by "normal" sane people. They say preparation is the Mother of proper action, well I know it and I know it too well, and I live by that. It's that simple. But to get rather complex: When all is said and done, 'God' is just a roomful of computers running the whole show, while the "people who run the show" don't know what they're doing, generation after generation. Year after year, "new ruler" after "new ruler". They're just a bunch of security guards and wizards of Oz behind the curtain "wowing" everyone with smoke and mirrors, and 'mushroom food'. Indeed, all the time acting like masters and serving an invisible, intangible master themselves. Ask them, who do you love? And they'll just say, I don't mind dying as long as the game keeps going some-how. When I became fully-integrated honesty, I realized I had to take things into my own hands and think on my own two feet no matter how "insane" or "goofy" I am perceived. It's been years of misery, years of an adult dose of punishment, but I've got a handle on it all totally. And I would just like to say here in that sincere [Bob-Dylanish way, without selling out], I ain't got nothing more to live up to except for my own honest expectations. That's it. "The thing went bump in the night, there was a fight, down the alley ice swang and flew, I won over myself and you should've heard just what I've seen..." So, the question after that modified Bo Diddley lyric is, "who do you love?" Well, I love myself, if you have the same answer, then you are correct, because I did not ask that question in a rhetorical fashion, but in a matter of fact fashion.

So, another question: What is a "ridiculous" man? Well a ridiculous man {without quotes} runs this show. A "ridiculous" man, is a man to the core anyone can genuinely admire, even the ridiculous men. Because he makes himself genuinely important, that's why, and doesn't need anyone or anything outside of himself to validate him. And what makes his woman "silly"? She admires and loves him as well as herself with high self-esteem too. Silly women {without quotes} are feminists who think they are being independent by imitating their oppressors, the ridiculous {without quotes} men.

Let's just get down to it, Josh Clayton is "evil" because he's honest about the reality of the situation. There, I said it, now let's get good. This is the chimney on top made out of the human skull as Bo Diddley puts it, and the second coming of low John the conqueror as Bo Diddley also puts it. Burn your cigar but and smoke it now... On to Grits And Sweat IV! (Grits And Sweat Four being served up to you next, a heaping plate of the great stuff.)

This is my blog, and main website that migrated from the original website listed as It has all my original thoughts and musings plus most of the links I am involved with.


Aug 10, 2008   Aug 11, 2008   Aug 12, 2008   Aug 13, 2008   Aug 14, 2008   Aug 15, 2008   Aug 16, 2008   Aug 17, 2008   Aug 18, 2008   Aug 19, 2008   Aug 20, 2008   Aug 21, 2008   Aug 22, 2008   Aug 24, 2008   Aug 25, 2008   Aug 27, 2008   Aug 29, 2008   Aug 30, 2008   Aug 31, 2008   Sep 1, 2008   Sep 2, 2008   Sep 4, 2008   Sep 6, 2008   Sep 7, 2008   Sep 9, 2008   Sep 10, 2008   Sep 11, 2008   Sep 12, 2008   Sep 13, 2008   Sep 14, 2008   Sep 15, 2008   Sep 16, 2008   Sep 17, 2008   Sep 18, 2008   Sep 19, 2008   Sep 20, 2008   Sep 21, 2008   Sep 22, 2008   Sep 23, 2008   Sep 24, 2008   Sep 25, 2008   Sep 26, 2008   Sep 27, 2008   Sep 28, 2008   Sep 29, 2008   Sep 30, 2008   Oct 1, 2008   Oct 2, 2008   Oct 3, 2008   Oct 4, 2008   Oct 5, 2008   Oct 6, 2008   Oct 7, 2008   Oct 8, 2008   Oct 9, 2008   Oct 10, 2008   Oct 11, 2008   Oct 16, 2008   Oct 17, 2008   Oct 20, 2008   Oct 21, 2008   Oct 22, 2008   Oct 25, 2008   Oct 26, 2008   Oct 27, 2008   Oct 29, 2008   Oct 31, 2008   Nov 1, 2008   Nov 3, 2008   Nov 4, 2008   Nov 5, 2008   Nov 7, 2008   Nov 8, 2008   Nov 9, 2008   Nov 10, 2008   Nov 11, 2008   Nov 12, 2008   Nov 15, 2008   Nov 17, 2008   Nov 20, 2008   Nov 22, 2008   Nov 23, 2008   Nov 24, 2008   Nov 25, 2008   Nov 27, 2008   Nov 30, 2008   Dec 3, 2008   Dec 5, 2008   Dec 6, 2008   Dec 15, 2008   Dec 16, 2008   Dec 17, 2008   Dec 18, 2008   Dec 20, 2008   Dec 21, 2008   Dec 22, 2008   Dec 24, 2008   Dec 25, 2008   Dec 26, 2008   Dec 28, 2008   Dec 29, 2008   Dec 30, 2008   Dec 31, 2008   Jan 1, 2009   Jan 2, 2009   Jan 3, 2009   Jan 4, 2009   Jan 5, 2009   Jan 7, 2009   Jan 8, 2009   Jan 9, 2009   Jan 12, 2009   Jan 16, 2009   Jan 18, 2009   Jan 19, 2009   Jan 20, 2009   Jan 22, 2009   Jan 24, 2009   Jan 25, 2009   Jan 27, 2009   Jan 28, 2009   Jan 29, 2009   Feb 3, 2009   Feb 5, 2009   Feb 9, 2009   Feb 11, 2009   Feb 13, 2009   Feb 14, 2009   Feb 16, 2009   Feb 17, 2009   Feb 20, 2009   Feb 22, 2009   Feb 23, 2009   Feb 24, 2009   Feb 25, 2009   Feb 26, 2009   Feb 27, 2009   Feb 28, 2009   Mar 1, 2009   Mar 2, 2009   Mar 3, 2009   Mar 10, 2009   Mar 11, 2009   Mar 12, 2009   Mar 15, 2009   Mar 16, 2009   Mar 17, 2009   Mar 19, 2009   Mar 20, 2009   Mar 21, 2009   Mar 22, 2009   Mar 23, 2009   Mar 24, 2009   Mar 25, 2009   Mar 26, 2009   Mar 27, 2009   Mar 28, 2009   Mar 29, 2009   Mar 30, 2009   Mar 31, 2009   Apr 1, 2009   Apr 3, 2009   Apr 6, 2009   Apr 29, 2009   Apr 30, 2009   May 1, 2009   May 2, 2009   May 4, 2009   May 5, 2009   May 6, 2009   May 7, 2009   May 8, 2009   May 9, 2009   May 10, 2009   May 11, 2009   May 12, 2009   May 13, 2009   May 14, 2009   May 15, 2009   May 16, 2009   May 17, 2009   May 18, 2009   May 19, 2009   May 20, 2009   May 21, 2009   May 22, 2009   May 23, 2009   May 24, 2009   May 25, 2009   May 26, 2009   May 27, 2009   May 28, 2009   May 29, 2009   May 30, 2009   May 31, 2009   Jun 1, 2009   Jun 2, 2009   Jun 3, 2009   Jun 4, 2009   Jun 5, 2009   Jun 6, 2009   Jun 7, 2009   Jun 8, 2009   Jun 9, 2009   Jun 10, 2009   Jun 11, 2009   Jun 12, 2009   Jun 13, 2009   Jun 14, 2009   Jun 15, 2009   Jun 16, 2009   Jun 17, 2009   Jun 18, 2009   Jun 20, 2009   Jun 22, 2009   Jun 23, 2009   Jun 24, 2009   Jun 25, 2009   Jun 26, 2009   Jun 27, 2009   Jun 28, 2009   Jun 29, 2009   Jun 30, 2009   Jul 1, 2009   Jul 2, 2009   Jul 3, 2009   Jul 4, 2009   Jul 6, 2009   Jul 7, 2009   Jul 8, 2009   Jul 9, 2009   Jul 10, 2009   Jul 11, 2009   Jul 12, 2009   Jul 13, 2009   Jul 14, 2009   Jul 15, 2009   Jul 16, 2009   Jul 17, 2009   Jul 18, 2009   Jul 19, 2009   Jul 20, 2009   Jul 21, 2009   Jul 22, 2009   Jul 23, 2009   Jul 24, 2009   Jul 25, 2009   Jul 26, 2009   Jul 27, 2009   Jul 28, 2009   Jul 29, 2009   Jul 30, 2009   Jul 31, 2009   Aug 1, 2009   Aug 2, 2009   Aug 3, 2009   Aug 4, 2009   Aug 5, 2009   Aug 6, 2009   Aug 7, 2009   Aug 8, 2009   Aug 9, 2009   Aug 10, 2009   Aug 11, 2009   Aug 12, 2009   Aug 13, 2009   Aug 14, 2009   Aug 15, 2009   Aug 16, 2009   Aug 17, 2009   Aug 18, 2009   Aug 19, 2009   Aug 20, 2009   Aug 21, 2009   Aug 22, 2009   Aug 23, 2009   Aug 24, 2009   Aug 25, 2009   Aug 26, 2009   Aug 27, 2009   Aug 28, 2009   Aug 29, 2009   Aug 30, 2009   Aug 31, 2009   Sep 1, 2009   Sep 3, 2009   Sep 4, 2009   Sep 5, 2009   Sep 6, 2009   Sep 7, 2009   Sep 8, 2009   Sep 9, 2009   Sep 10, 2009   Sep 11, 2009   Sep 12, 2009   Sep 13, 2009   Sep 14, 2009   Sep 15, 2009   Sep 16, 2009   Sep 17, 2009   Sep 18, 2009   Sep 19, 2009   Sep 20, 2009   Sep 21, 2009   Sep 22, 2009   Sep 23, 2009   Sep 24, 2009   Sep 25, 2009   Sep 26, 2009   Sep 27, 2009   Sep 28, 2009   Sep 29, 2009   Sep 30, 2009   Oct 1, 2009   Oct 2, 2009   Oct 3, 2009   Oct 4, 2009   Oct 5, 2009   Oct 6, 2009   Oct 7, 2009   Oct 8, 2009   Oct 9, 2009   Oct 10, 2009  

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