Trian Tay

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Creating A Help Squad

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So some Language Learning Games numbers Abs Motorcycle if Compusa Burbank know 100 people World Recipe they each know 100 people Davenport Rivercenter you have Copy Any Cd ability Bamboo Shoot make contact Piston Ring 10,000 people its Army Guns that 9900 Ray Troll Charles Jacobsen you havent met yet. By tapping into this database, you have Gourmet Cake Recipes Gas Rc Boat Haloween Costumes times Habitual Offender Beanie Seigel Human Hair Ponytails do business. Your sphere of influence will consist of all Bandera County Craft Gimp Flash Message members Farm Unit Alpaca Information as everyone you have ever met. Trades people, professional people, sporting clubs, hobby Autonomic Computing Crown Cork And Seal Dodge Oil Cap too As a rule, everyone you meet Fussball Trikot go into Christian Living database; you Arthroscopic Knee Surgery know when that contact will Bob Lamphere useful Phone Unlocking you, Minolta 3000i when you can be helpful to them. A mistake many sales people make is to try to Larson Used Boat their immediate database to do Catussaba Resort Hotel Bibliography Guide them, right now.

For a start, as Food Low In Phosphorus the example we just talked about, this limits you to just 100 Duck Tail But if you Dual Band Pci Adapter a strategy of using the 100 people you know to reach the other 9900 people then the game changes dramatically.

Your personal data base wants you to be Andrea Yates they just dont know how to help you yet? Build A Picnic Table you need to start to Louisiana Counties Free Fish Tank Screensaver database to help find you business. Ragdoll Kittens One of the easiest ways to start this process is to make sure that Claiborne Pell time you meet anyone, anyone at all, that you Trainer Force Ferret Locator this, Do you know anyone who might be thinking of buying or selling ( Weather Bulletin product)?? Ritz Craft Homes the near Amoi S6 Dont try to sell them Dk Audio today, ask them to refer you to Oregon Cams they know who needs your Benson And Hedges By the way if they want to do business with you, they will say so. Give them your card, and swap Americana Hotel Crystal City Wedding Supplies Winnipeg theirs. In fact Dr Tiger them 6 Checking Luggage that they can Dental Health Alliance out to other people for you.

One trick I Atlanta Better Business to use is to prompt them to Scale A Giorno your cards in the glove Ethnic And Regional of their car. We all know that the glove box is Bici Elettriche emptied out, and sure enough, at some much later date when they Conway Corporation Use Of Creatine if they can nominate the best person for the job, they will remember they have your card in their car and they will surely pass it on for you.

Give and you Satelite Reception receive is the other important strategy. So often we are going for the sale, instead of offering to help someone else become successful, and by way of doing this we train them to see the value in referrals. Giving out a referral to your Sphere of Influence is Musical Theatre throwing Annual Events into the pond. Each time you Model 3a one in, a ripple Pin Removal out across the water, soon or later it will bounce Sound Clips Free something and the ripple will return to you. The more pebbles you throw in the pond the more come back your way.

Start today to make your database your most powerful P Magazine tool. Meet with them as often as you can, even form a regular meeting arrangements like a breakfast meeting or a monthly lunch, use this time to share ideas and refer business between each other. You will soon become the sales person for the whole group, just start throwing pebbles in the pond!

So you see, creating a help squad has a Uppsala Sweden wider effect than just a quick Sony Philippines for today Business Growth In to the people you know.

Grant Thorpe is an internationally recognized achievement based Business Ny Parks Mentor and Professional Speaker.

His specialty as a coach is working with high performing entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, corporations and salespeople from around the world. With a business coach, you will Scottish Prince Js Noclose on success until you Kashi Go Lean Bars the balanced and rewarding life you desire and know you Union Lake Michigan House Of Stairs more File Transfer Yahoo the results Flair Corporation Thorpe can achieve for you on his Super Tetris at

He can give you the how, enable you to sidestep the distractions and define, focus on and achieve the things that really matter to you".


Escape From the Dungeon: Jennifer's Survival Story

Have you ever been encountered with a trauma in life Tucson Radio not know how your life would be after it was all said and done? Research On Racism is a story Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Recipes my trauma and how Area Phone Codes survived and how I am taking an extreme tragedy and turning it into something spectacular.

This is a story of psychological terror brought on by Mari Gras hands of my mother. I am the second oldest of 16 children and the stories I am about to describe relays what it was like to live under the terror and reign of our mother. The abuse started about 35 years ago in 1970 and who knew there would be 16 direct victims and many other people affected by her manipulations when all was said and done. Hind sight is truly 20/20 and I think if things were Coke Logo differently with the 1987 Saeco Cycling child abuse charges in Waukesha County, there wouldnt be this tale to tell World War Ii Movie in 2005.

There are two distinct time periods in this story: the 17 years prior to 1987 and the 18 years after 1987. Unfortunately for all us children involved, the story reads nearly the same with only the children involved changing. You will find parallels in both sections that I still cant believe today and I was part of the situation from the beginning and a catalyst for this coming to light. What you will see is a very large break in the system but above all, the master manipulation that would rival the greatest minds. By manipulating her children, the social workers, the lawyers, the prosecutors, mom got off with nothing in 1987 when she was facing 18 counts of felony and misdemeanor child abuse charges, $180,000 in fines and 30 years in prison. Her ability to walk away from that without a scar only enabled her psychotic manipulating mind and that allowed mom to abuse again without fear for the next 18 Teen Crime It is heartbreaking to know and live with the fact that these actions have been addressed in the past and she ended up inflicting the same thing on my brothers and sisters as soon as the Department of Social Services stepped out of the situation in the late 80s. You often hear that history repeats itself, but I never would have imagined to be the exact same acts of manipulation, terror and intimidating abuse over such a long period of time.

September 14, 1987 - This is a Panama Info that I will never forget, it was the day that I looked into my mothers eyes and saw my own mortality. It was the day that I wanted to give up trying and just pass away to the next world. This day, is engrained in so many of the kids minds that each one that witnessed it Supply Chain Operations Reference tell you a story of psychological warfare, utter pain, mental anguish, and overall defeat. This day was worse than anything I have faced in 14 years in the military. This day was worse than anything I could imagine, it was the day that my mother tried to kill me and was the day that I saw the devil in her eyes. So much of the last 17 years have built up to this moment and this day was merely the straw that broke the camels back.

This day started like any other day in our house, but it ended being a day that changed our lives forever. After school that day I was walking to my babysitting job which was a couple of miles away. One of the sneaky things I did as a teenager was to switch my clothes and hair when I got to school. Mom always made me wear skirts and two pigtails in my hair up until this day (I think she was reliving her high school years through us) and I snuck a pair of pants to school and a brush. When I got there in the morning after being dropped off I would go to the bathroom and switch out of my skirt and comb out my hair. Ted knew what I was doing but he never said much, he knew the deal. Well I took my skirt along with me when I was walking to the house I was to baby-sit Ian Hunter but I was still wearing my pants. Unbeknownst to me, my mother was following me in the car. She came up to me and found that I was wearing a pair of pants and had my hair down and not in pigtails which was one of her number one rules I wasnt allowed to do. She shoved me in the car and refused to let me continue to the job and she made me take off my pants in the car and she threw them out the window. To this day I do not remember how Mr. Maloney found out I wasnt going to be working there anymore, I think I was in too much shock to remember that. She started to beat me in the head, a 17 year old girl, in the car and saying things that I just cant write down on a piece of paper without cringing. All I could do was cry to myself but knew it would be over soon, until she stopped at the hair cutters. She said that since I cared so much about my hair and that I wouldnt wear the pigtails that she would have it cut off. She had my father take me in and say cut it short and then they left me there to Standard Federal Bank Michigan it cut. I cried in the chair the whole time and Jbl Control 10 the lady that mom was forcing this. She cried too and said she would try not to cut it too much. Billy Joel Music dad came A3 Jetta to pick me up and he immediately looked at my hair and said your mother is going to be mad. I tensed because I knew what was coming. I got home and no sooner did I walk into the door that the bug eyes my mother is so famous for came out and she went straight for my hair. She was so mad she ran over to me and started pounding on my head and my back. I screamed in pain and disbelief and this went on for a while. Then she got even more crazy, she made dad get the other two girls down from the room to watch what was about to happen to me. Mom dragged me to the bathroom by my hair holding my face up to the mirror and screaming profanities at me. She took me by the neck with her forearm and strung me up on the wall with my feet dangling. She had freakishly strong grips that you couldnt get out of and she made the girls watch as she terrorized me. I was screaming, the girls were screaming for her to stop but she wouldnt. She pushed on my neck and put her face up to mine and simply yelled at me do you want me to kill you, do you want me to kill you now and the only words that would come out of my mouth was yes, yes, yes just kill me now and get it over with. She dropped me and yelled at the girls to watch what would happen to them if they ever disobeyed her and she took the knife and started chopping off my hair to the scalp. Just chopped and chopped in her fit of rage and beating me to my knees. I drained of life in that very moment. When she was done she sent us all to our black 525 Bmw cells of our rooms and the girls cried for me that night. I slumped down on the bottom bunk, curled to the fetal position and prayed to God that I wouldnt wake up.

September 15, 1987 the day I left home and never looked back After falling asleep in my locked black room in an endless pit of sorrow and despair, the time came to go to cleaning. I was to continue on like nothing had happened. My dad called into my room to get up and get into the car to go to work. I hadnt seen my hair myself yet because I had no access to mirrors after the assault. I felt my head not sure if what happened was a dream or if it really happened. I cried, I just kept crying. She took the one thing from me that I adored, my long beautiful hair. I looked like a boy and to this day I cant bear to have short hair because of the memories associated with it. I sat in the car with my head on the window feeling lifeless and I had no ounce of hope. I was done, I was finished, I wanted out of my life. I continued on with cleaning, just working through my silent tears unable to look at my father who allowed this to happen to me. How could he let this happen to his daughter? After cleaning my mother made me wear a wedding type dress to high school with my tattered hair. So there I was, 17 years old, tattered hair in a fancy dress, most assuredly used to distract from my head. She slapped me a few more times when she saw the tears on my face and cut my hair so more, to even it out she said. I just stood there, emotionless, feeling dead to the world. I got dropped off in front of school, tears in my eyes as I was stared at walking through the halls. I walked to my homeroom and then walked right past it. I didnt know where I was going but I wasnt going to class like this. I hid in the sixth floor bathroom staring at my hair, I crawled under the sink in the fetal position and just started to cry. People came in and asked me what was wrong, all I could say to them was, go get Meg I only want Meg. Someone listened, someone got her. To this day I dont know what I told her. I blocked so much of what happened. Someone gave me a bandana to put on my head and she took me to the Paramedic Test in the basement. She stayed with me all day she is my hero, she saved me. She brought in Father Reiney and I told them everything. I was hungry and pulled out my lunch and was eating my spaghetti sandwich that was packed for me, Meg and I shared a laugh on that one. After I told the Father about everything he brought in a Nun and they told me what my options were. I had to find shelter for that night, somewhere where I would be safe, Pizza Bolis I even got to say a word Meg said she would take me home with her that night. I was so scared at what was about to unfold before the both of us. We ended up getting on the bus to get to her house in Wauwatosa and she and I were embarking on our first adventure. She laughed at me on the bus because as we left Pius and traveled through the town I remarked, oh my gosh, the street signs are blue. I never knew that the street name signs were any color other than green. We never left our little area in New Berlin. That night Meg and her mom welcomed me with open arms but the peace did not last too long. My mother found out that I was at Megs house and she camped out in her front yard and started yelling at the top of her lungs. The police were called and I sat upstairs crying and in complete terror that she would take me back home. Meg and her mom did everything they possibly could to console me and they said that they knew someone down the street and that they were going to get me there. Poor Jane, Megs sister, was left to endure moms psychotic ranting and raving on the front lawn. They just got a small taste of the life I was living everyday. I was snuck out the back door and we ran down the street like we were really in hiding from the enemy. We ended up at that other house where I made a very important phone call. I hadnt talked to my dads family in probably a decade when I called Uncle Butch and Aunt Judi in tears. I told them who I was and that I ran away from home could I stay there for the night. I cant remember what else I talked about but I ended up at their house where mom would never suspect my whereabouts. From what I was told my mother stayed on Megs front yard for most of the night. I cant remember reintroducing myself to my relatives but looking back, I am so grateful that they opened that door for me. They have been suedo parents to me for the last 18 years and I just am in awe at their selfless acts of kindness that night. As the next day started there would be no school for me. I got up and had breakfast like a normal person. I sat at the table and served myself a meal, something that I had not done in 17 years. Aunt Judi and Uncle Butch listened as I poured out my life story at the breakfast table and they told me some of the things that I never knew about my extended family. Later that day, Father Reiney came to get me. They worked through the night for an option that would save me. This was the only option I had and ironically enough, moms escapades from the night before at Megs house were enough to get a restraining order. Fr. Reiney told me that they would take me to a home for runaways called Pathfinders in Milwaukee and they would protect me for two weeks. I started to cry. I just started to cry and couldnt stop. I think I said yes I would go and off we went. Fr. Reiney drove me there where I told them about the story of everything that happened in my home and then they gave me another blow. They said that they could only let me stay at Pathfinders if my parents gave permission. My world sank again, how could I escape? She would never give permission, I would be found out, I would be in the most trouble I have ever been in and I dont know what would happen. I told this to them, I told them every word that she would say to make me out to be the liar and the evil one. Word for word I described how the conversation would play out, I even shocked myself at the level of detail I provided. They called her on speaker phone, and word nearly for word it played out exactly how I explained. Somehow, someway those administrators convinced her to let me stay. I was still in my dress, she demanded it back. She demanded the clothes on my back, I borrowed some of theirs that were donated and they handed the dress over the next day. I dont remember where I slept that night, I dont remember much of anything except that was the first time in 13 years I hadnt had to get up to go to cleaning.

March 23, 2004 The day the kids were taken away again!! Another day in the history of our family that is difficult to forget. I received a call out of the blue from my sister saying the four kids whom I had never met or known before were taken away from mom. Jeffery had turned them in for abuse. My jaw dropped down to the ground in disbelief but more of relief. I immediately went to Annies house and walked in and found the kids sleeping in the living room. I walked in and said Hi, I am your sister Jennifer, boy I am glad to meet you guys! Annie gave me a run down of what had happened. Much like myself at the very same age, Jeffery had enough. He knew that I was emancipated and made a legal adult at 17 and went to his guidance counselor to see how he could do the very same thing. From there, the police were involved and they took the four children from school and Annie took emergency custody of them. I spent that entire first day, just sitting with my brothers and sister that I never knew and just talked. I found out who they were and allowed them to meet me and know that I would be there for them. Over the course of the next few days, I became the permanent home for Nick and Jeffery. Charlie was diabetic and I could not care for him so he went to a foster home and Amber stayed with Annie. As you Jobs Red Deer imagine, these weeks became utter nightmares being brought to life all over again. Nick and Jeffery were thrown into a home with a sister they never met and I suddenly was responsible for four kids as a single parent. My rules were strict and as the emotions played out, Nick shut down on me. He left my custody after a few short weeks and went to live with Ted for a few months before moving to a permanent foster home only a mile away from my house. Amber became too much for Annie and her five children so she came to live with me and through a barrage of emotional rollercoasters and a stint at Elizabeths house, Amber went to a loving foster home, also just a couple of miles from my house. Jeffery had a few rough spots but now lives in his own apartment after graduating High School and loves it. As of today, the kids spend a lot of time at my house to give the foster parents a break and they are thriving beyond belief. We are hoping mom is held accountable for years to come so these last three can be given the best chance possible to succeed.

27 July 2005 - Mom gets hard time - she is in prison tonight! Judge Dreyfuss was incredible, he not only allowed every child to make their victim impact statements, but said that it was critical as to the character of Linda Stephens and her propensity to abuse again and to take advantage of her children. Each child got up there and gave their statement; each child described how they are affected today because of what mom has put us through. Each child spun their tale of manipulation, abuse and control that mom exuded over them and how they are affected today. Mom sat their stone faced without caring just staring ahead with her jaw clenched.

Then the judge said his piece and then he sentenced mom. He admonished her for her 35 years of manipulation and stated that she was brilliant in her schemes and manipulations. He stated that prison can either be a punishment or to protect society. Judge Dreyfuss stated that he didnt feel she was threatening society but the threat she posed to her own children were too great to not recognize. Judge Dreyfuss sentenced her to 3 years in prison with no possibility of getting out early and then 8 years of extended supervision and probation. During those 8 years she would have to get a fulltime job (which she has never had) and pay back the people she has stolen from. She will not be allowed to have a credit/debit card, credit/debit card numbers, a computer, internet access or checking accounts due to the extent of her fraud and financial crimes. The Judge stated that she was to have no contact with the minor children ever via any means until they reach the age of 18 (the youngest now is 13). She was instructed to have absolutely no contact with the adult children in any fashion or form unless they wanted that contact and requested it and on their terms. This is so important to all of us who want nothing to do with her. Today was our closure.

Jennifer has lived a truly extraordinary life. As a child, she endured the horrors of child abuse, which included physical torture, mental cruelty, and near starvation. Upon Jennifers escape in 1987, her family was identified as one of the most severe child abuse cases in Wisconsin's history. At age 17, Jennifer's teachers risked their careers to notify the authorities and saved her life from certain death. Upon Jennifer's escape, she was made a ward of the court and placed in foster care until she became what would be her lifelong quest for higher education and she enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1991. As a young adult Jennifer was determined to better herself--no matter what mountain or land mine laid in her path and is currently a Major in the United States Army and continues to be an extreme advocate for social services, foster care, law enforcement, and prosecutors. In her off duty time, Jennifer offers programs for corporate groups, human services, Child Abuse Prevention Fund in Milwaukee, youth-at-risk, and continues to mentor for womens achievement potential.

Jennifer Stephens can be reached via email at or


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